Quarterly Digest of Awards and Books

41hwrnBYx-L._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_The Language of Paradise by alum Barbara Klein Moss (fiction, ’96) was  published by Norton in April, 2015.


514CJlsj3jL._SX310_BO1,204,203,200_The Writer’s Almanac published the poem “Detroit Pheasant” from the collection Trumbull Ave. by alum Michael Lauchlan, (poetry, ’91).


“Homesteaders,” a story by alum Elisabeth Hamilton, was published in the Summer 2015 issue of The Colorado Review.


Alums Lucy Anderton (poetry, ’05) and Laura-Gray Street (poetry, ’97) each have two poems published in the same Summer 2015 issue of The Colorado Review.


513xw2mo1nL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_Alum Lynette D’Amico’s (fiction, ’13) novella Road Trip has been published by Twelve Winters Press. Additionally, her nonfiction piece “In the Split” appears in the 2015 issue of The Ocean State Review.


Alum Mark Solomon (poetry, ’93) has published the chapbook Her Whom I Summoned. Contact [email protected] to order copies.


61X4KnqQS4L._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_Faculty member Lauren Groff edited the Summer 2015 issue of Ploughshares Literary Journal. Her new novel, Fates and Furies, will published by Riverhead Books in mid-September.