Time for Updates to the Alumni Bibliography

The program website includes a link to a bibliography of all alumni book publications of which the program is aware, currently well over 700 books:


Please help us keep this list as complete as possible by uploading your new publication information through a form on the site:


The form will ask for your:

  1. first name, last name,
  2. the year in which you graduated,
  3. the genre in which you graduated, fiction or poetry,
  4. whether you graduated from Warren Wilson or Goddard,
  5. the title of your book,
  6. the name of your publisher,
  7. year of publication, and
  8. specify novel, short fiction, novella, book of poems, chapbook, anthology, translated poetry, translated fiction, or “other” (explain).

Please also share any additional information regarding awards the publication received. And thank you for helping us to keep the bibliography as up-to-date as possible.

Thank you for helping to maintain the bibliography, which is one of the resources that attracts new writers to the program.

Patrick Donnelly
