Alumni Bibliography Updates

It’s that time of year again: we’ll be adding updates to the Alumni Bibliography, so please email me about any recent book publications.
Include, in this order please:


(1) your full name
(2) the name of your book
(3) the name of your publisher
(4) year of publication, and
(5) specify poems, novel, short fiction, nonfiction, etc. (You may also include books such as anthologies that you have edited.)
(6) the year and genre in which you graduated.


Please send updates to me at, and put ALUMNI BIBLIOGRAPHY in the subject line. If you know of publications by alumni who are not on the list, please encourage them to get in touch with me, or send me what information you have.


The alumni bibliography (currently updated twice a year) is accessible from a link on the WWC MFA website:



If you are unsure whether your new publication is included in the bibliography, please check it before sending me the information.


Thanking you in advance,


Patrick Donnelly
Poetry ‘03