The Stone in the Air – A Suite of Forty Poems from the German of Paul Celan, by Daniel Tobin

An excerpt from the poem “Homecoming” by Daniel Tobin, from his new book, The Stone in the Air – A Suite of Forty Poems from the German of Paul Celan, newly published by Salmon Poetry:


Snow falling, dense as some poems, denser,
like yesterday, dove-colored,
snow falling, as though you still were sleeping,
the whole world piled into whiteness.
And beyond the world, endless—
the sleigh print of the desolate.
There, deep down, sheltered under that mountain:
what so harrows the eye—mound
after mound—burgeons upward invisibly.
From each, hammered home into its
own present, a pole, wooden,
an I that sinks away into muteness. […continue reading here]