It’s time for another NorCal Wally Get-Together and Reading!

When: Sunday, May 6, 3:00-5:00 pm.

Where: The home of Lewis Buzbee (’82) and Julie Bruck (’86)

1255 Seventh Avenue, San Francisco (between Irving and Lincoln)

Let’s get together and re-Wallify, over snacks and drinks; talk about the real life and the writing life, and everything that goes with it.  We’ll also have readings by 4 of you, two prosers and two poets.  Pretty much guaranteed a good time.

We will ask for a contribution of $20 per person, and all money collected will be donated directly to support scholarships and projects funded by Friends of Writers. $20 is a suggested amount, but every Wally is welcome, regardless of ability to pay.

If you are interested in giving an 8-minute reading to the best audience on the planet, please email Lewis ([email protected]) by April 11We’ll announce the readers in a later email.

Also, we may be missing some email addresses, so if you know Wallies who may be interested, please pass this invitation along.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Lewis Buzbee ([email protected])

Julie Bruck ([email protected])