“Pantoum with Lines from Virginia Woolf’s Diary” by Angela Narciso Torres (poetry, ’09)

An excerpt from “Pantoum with Lines from Virginia Woolf’s Diary” by Angela Narciso Torres (poetry, ’09) published at Swwim:

Pantoum with Lines from Virginia Woolf’s Diary

Truth is, one can’t write about the soul. Looked at, it vanishes.

Why have I so little control?

One wants to finish sentences.

To go adventuring on the streams of other people’s lives.


Why have I so little control?

This is the normal feeling, I think.

To go adventuring on the streams of other people’s lives.

I take a census of happy people, and unhappy.


This is the normal feeling, I think.

Happiness is a little string onto which things will attach.

I take a census of happy people, and unhappy.

How Vita’s inkpot flowered on her table.  […continue reading here]