“after the dream act is revoked” by Rebecca Foust (poetry ’10)

An excerpt from “after the dream act is revoked” by Rebecca Foust (poetry ’10), published by Love’s Executive Order.

after the dream act is revoked

it’s time to get my hair cut again & the dream act    
just got rolled back      what can i do   
get in the car    keep the appointment   
preserve etiquette        the economy        routine    
so stupid        stupid        stupid        what can i do    
pick fruit for a pie      sweep the floor    
feed the dog        call my reps        send emails      
knit a pink hat        go to a march         write this dumb poem  
phone my kids who I can reasonably assume
will not get shot going out for milk        or sling-shot
back to a country that vomited them up
in fire & thirst & dismemberment
to land here with no guarantees

[… continue reading at Love’s Executive Order.]