“The Problems of Humanity” by Megan Pinto (poetry ’18)

An excerpt from”The Problems of Humanity” by Megan Pinto (poetry ’18), published by Four Way Review.

The Problems of Humanity

I thought we had solved them all, these problems of humanity:
how we die, and why, and who it is we ought to be.

I’ve learned to count to infinity, to touch my toes, to plug
my nose when I jump off diving boards; I know how to exhale

when waxing my body, how much is too much to drink
at parties, and that, when eating from a buffet

I must be first in line. If there is some part of me
I cannot educate, I’ll compensate with technology:

Google translate has gotten me through dates
with a Frenchman in Prague, an Armenian in Italy.

[… continue reading at Four Way Review.]