“Direct Address,” by Kimberly Kruge (Poetry ’15)

“Direct Address,” a poem by Kimberly Kruge, was recently featured by The Poetry Society of America. Read an excerpt below:

Direct Address

Here is everywhere I’ve ever been and everywhere I’ve never been at once.
The one beside me is everyone I’ve ever known and everyone I’ve never, too.
The howl from the next apartment is every howl across history and it is also not that.
It is no secret we create reality. The storm settling over the city where I am now is
the storm settling over my past haunts, is the storm at a particular longitude and latitude
on the plane of my thoughts; it is a death wish…

Find the rest of this poem, and read a brief reflection by Kimberly, here: https://poetrysociety.org/features/in-their-own-words/kimberly-kruge-on-direct-address