“To Take a Pregnancy Test After Miscarriage,” by Hannah Fries (Poetry ’10)

2010 poetry graduate Hannah Fries recently had three poems featured in Terrain. Read an excerpt of one below:

To Take a Pregnancy Test After Miscarriage

Remember the place where you hid as child,
the pile of rocks that made a room
beneath a stand of arcing saplings.

Be there. Remember the satisfaction
of loneliness, the space you occupy
inside the secret of your body.

Wherever death has lodged itself,
tucked in the crevices of your being,
unfold: run your fingers through it,

soften it with beeswax and almond oil, feel it
loosen. Call down your most feral angel,
all wings and eyes and gale-force winds

Read the poem, as well as two others, in its entirety here: https://www.terrain.org/2020/poetry/hannah-fries-2/