“Far and Away,” by Sally Keith
Poetry faculty member Sally Keith recently had a poem featured in the LEON Literary Review. Read an excerpt of “Far and Away” below:

Far and Away
Upstairs in the café, which once had a long bar with stools, where you could plug in your computer and work with a good view of the frozen foods, if not also the line for express checkout, sometimes you would see people you knew.
Long ago, far away, somewhere I loved, was loved, or where I loved once—
A mother watching her child and the swimming instructor watching Amor model a perfect flip-turn each time she arrives at this end of the pool.
To tack, to turn, to add, to get, to put yourself
So as to speed along
Really fast.
There, sailing once
The glasses flew off and got lost—
No recovery.
Read the poem in its entirety here: http://leonliteraryreview.com/issue-4-sally-keith/