“My Favorite Tin Foil Hat,” by Matthew Olzmann
Poetry faculty member Matthew Olzmann was recently featured in the LEON Literary Review. Read an excerpt of “My Favorite Tin Foil Hat” below:

My Favorite Tin Foil Hat
In a field of snow, it’s a legitimate option to see
the tracks made by the myth but never
the myth itself. There’s nothing there.
No mysterious creature to ravage the livestock,
assign paw prints to the barn doors,
or claw marks to the black walnut trees.
The ghost that sings of lost love from across the lake?
That sound can be explained by barometric pressure,
the north wind, numbers on spreadsheets
that bear no resemblance to the voices of the drowned.
There’s no mandate that requires you to inquire
about the fate of [redacted] or the nature of [deleted].
Read this poem in its entirety, as well as three others, here: http://leonliteraryreview.com/issue-12-matthew-olzmann/