Two Poems by Daniel Tobin

Poetry faculty member Daniel Tobin was recently featured in Plume. Read an excerpt of “Anthem” and find a link to the full text of both pieces below:


Meleagris galopavo

Through the backyard of a shuttered home
the birds have come, an almost emblem
of the young Republic, more respectable
Ben Franklin believed than the bald eagle

that was like, he said, a man who lived
by sharping and robbing, a rank coward,
driven from the districts by little more
than sparrows; perched up in dead trees or,

too lazy to fish for himself, off to pursue
the self-won catch of the diligent osprey,
snatching it from hatchlings in their nest—
“Is this not the perfect token of injustice?”

Continue reading here: Daniel Tobin | Plume