“Epithalamium That Refuses To Ignore The Possibility Of A Zombie Apocalypse” by Matthew Olzmann

Poetry faculty member Matthew Olzmann was recently featured in HAD. Read an excerpt of “Epithalamium That Refuses To Ignore The Possibility Of A Zombie Apocalypse” below:

Epithalamium That Refuses To Ignore The Possibility Of A Zombie Apocalypse

Let’s be honest: what each of us wants
is to never get eaten by zombies,
and the shotgun-shaped truth of the matter
is we’re less likely to be ravaged
by the ravenous appetites of the dead
if someone just loves us. We each need
a partner posted on the roof, someone
with a crossbow watching high cornfields
for signs of movement. There needs to be
someone willing to brave the basement
during the power outage, someone to descend
the midnight staircase to repair the generator.

Continue reading here: Matthew Olzmann | HAD