“What Sparks Poetry” for Robert Matt Taylor (Poetry ’20)

Poetry alumn Robert Matt Taylor recently wrote about Philip Levine’s What Work Is for the Poetry Daily series “What Sparks Poetry.” Read an excerpt and find a link to the full text below:

Robert Matt Taylor on Philip Levine’s What Work Is

A month or so ago, I met a friend I hadn’t seen in a while for a drink—an ordinary excursion, but like so many ordinary things made strange by the years we’d just lived through, simply to be out in the evening high-tide of strangers in a downtown bar, we both agreed, still felt consequential. We were getting reacquainted; over the course of the pandemic we’d drifted, our communications dwindling from a regular exchange of manuscripts to sporadic text-message check-ins and finally into what felt like meaningful, mutual silence. At one point, I’d wondered if I would ever read her work or even see her again—I had, in fact, more or less accepted that I might not. She’d had a lot of trouble making room for poetry, she said, and had been ashamed. Of course, I understood. Who could account for all the odd effects of those foreboding and seemingly endless years?

Continue reading here:  Robert Matt Taylor | Poetry Daily