“The calm after the storm” by Giacomo Leopardi, Translated by Beverley Bie Brahic (Poetry ’06)

Poetry alumn Beverley Bie Brahic was recently featured with a translation of Giacomo Leopardi’s “The calm after the storm” in The New Criterion. Read an excerpt and find a link to the full text below:

The calm after the storm
by Giacomo Leopardi

The storm has passed:
I hear birds rejoice, and the hen
Out chuckling
In the road again. There, looking west,
Above the mountain, is a patch of blue;
Fields and hills brighten,
In the valley, the river gleams.
Hearts are lighter; on all sides
The hum of folk
About their daily work resumes.
The artisan, job in hand,
Singing, appears in his doorway
To glance at the wet sky;
A woman hurries to draw water
Freshened by rain;
And up and down byways and lanes
The vegetable seller
Renews his cry.

   —translated from the Italian by Beverley Bie Brahic

Continue reading here:  Beverley Bie Brahic | The New Criterion