“Black-Crowned Night-Heron,” by Connie Voisine
Poetry faculty member Connie Voisine was recently featured in Scoundrel Time. Read an excerpt of “Black-Crowned Night-Heron” below:
Black-Crowned Night Heron
The girl is alive—someone caught her
on video. The girl is alive, alive alive,
the women who fed her one night
cackled at that glimpse of her
face in the freezing forest and I
heard them toast her wild will. How
we accepted such things
when we were girls, but why should
a person expect a group of men might
toss her into a truck, that anyone seeing
her small body walking by should
talk about it unpunished, a joke?
Read the rest of this poem here: https://scoundreltime.com/black-crowned-night-heron/