“It’s Been Years Since They Crossed the Bridge,” by Rose Auslander (Poetry ’15)

2015 poetry alum Rose Auslander was recently featured in the DMQ Review. Read an excerpt of Auslander’s poem below:

It’s Been Years Since They Crossed the Bridge

You have to cross the canal at Union. Or Third. No subway runs there & if you say where, no cab will go. If you see condos by the water, don’t go in. Hold your breath, dive back a few decades & listen for the note in the middle of the hum at the bottom. If you hear a pack of kids laughing, you’re getting close—keep your distance. Stick to the sidewalk. Slowly walk backward in time until you feel the sun too bright & the pavement too hot & you can’t bandage yourself in words….


Read this poem in its entirety here: https://www.dmqreview.com/auslanders22