Two poems by Rosalynde Vas Dias (poetry, ’06) appear in Tinderbox Poetry Journal:

You have been Small Character too. Perhaps that’s the kernel of your deep sympathy. Lost in the woods and discovering all your cleverly laid bread crumbs eaten up by the even more clever birds. Who wrote those birds into my story? [. . . continue reading here.]

. . . read “Good Practice” here.

A poem with audio by Avra Elliott (fiction, ’15) appears in Tinderbox Poetry Journal:







EBT Recipes

Poverty can be sweet, overripe

plums with the bird bites cut out

or donuts made from two-for-one


canned biscuit dough fried in grease

leftover from the Jerusalem artichokes

we plucked from earth like oversized pupae—

. . . continue reading here.

Three poems with audio by Francine Conley (poetry, ’14) appear in Tinderbox Poetry Journal:

Francine Conley (poetry, ’14)



For the Hive

Those were years I told one man after another sure,

I’d fuck a lug like you, why not.  I looked down the barrel


of each rifled gaze because I wanted less to be like a woman

who waits than a man who takes as he pleases, enters a bar,


surveys the perennial variety, chooses which one he’ll take

home.  No longing; no loneliness allowed: just action.

. . . continue reading here.

To read “Greenland,” click hereand to read “The Kitchen, click here.

A poem by Noah Stetzer (poetry, ’14) appears through Indolent Books:



t’s okay because I exaggerate
too and say things that I don’t mean, I joke
all the time and it doesn’t mean a thing

I mean most of what I say, I mean you
can take me at my word, cause honesty
you know I mean is what’s been missing all

. . . continue reading here.


Maeve Kinkead (poetry, ’08)

“Drifts,” an excerpt from A Dangling Housea new collection of poems from Maeve Kinkead (poetry, ’08):












[ … purchase a copy of Maeve Kinkaid’s A Dangling House here.]

Two poems by Daye Phillippo (poetry, ’14) appear in Mad River Review:



On my way home after teaching a night class,

driving through lengths of fog like tulle


illusion of time travelling fast. Headlights

reflecting  back, veil after veil, years


illusion of time travelling fast. Headlights

reflecting  back, veil after veil, years

. . . continue reading both poems here.



A story by Karen Tucker (poetry, ’10) appears in Tin House:


Under Glass

The evening’s downpour still hadn’t ended, and by the time Viktor picked me up, the streets were abandoned except for a few lonesome figures tucked under awnings and into doorways. The boulevard gleamed under the streetlamps. Viktor’s mood must have been affected by the weather, because as he drove me to his apartment, his windshield wipers sloshing back and forth, the cheerful person I knew from the botany lectures we had attended had vanished. [… continue reading here.]

A poem by Jennifer Sperry Steinorth (poetry, ’15) appears in Poetry Northwest:

… continue reading here.

A story by Robert Rorke (fiction, ’10) appears in Shadowgraph Quarterly:

The Christmas Pyramid

It was our first Christmas at the beach. We were headed out to Rockaway in The Black Beauty, Himself at the wheel. I knew how to drive the car and sometimes he let me. We started my driving lessons that spring, one Saturday morning when we were coming back from a nursery with new rose bushes in the trunk. [… continue reading here.]


A poem by Faith S. Holsaert (poetry, ’82) appears in Potomac Review:

Our inheritance in the Diaspora is to live in this inexplicable space–Dionne Brand

if there was a curtain we didn’t notice
if there was something other than raspberries
among dusty leaves we didn’t see

we saw how the path wound up from the creek
we knew we had to carry
we knew the old man in the next town
we knew our coats smelled of pear
and our cat, we knew our cat

Maybe the portal was there all along
when we ate ramen and watched TV
not talking spent
after we had danced

To see the complete poem, click here to purchase a copy.