Two poems by alum Jennifer Givhan (poetry, ’15) appear at Pank Magazine:


Say it’s Main Street
& I’m holding a black 8-ball
against the felt of my palm—

its heft could dent plaster.
Say I’ve shot tequila
off a baby changing table

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An interview with alum Jenny Johnson (poetry, ’11) appears at The Rumpus:

The Rumpus: The presence of animals serves an important role in many of the poems from In Full Velvet. They convey a real sense of playful wonder, even vulnerability, at the unexpected reaches of intimacy in the natural world, while also exploring more complicated themes of identity and belonging in a world so often fraught with intolerance. What inspired the use of nature in your work?

Jenny Johnson: I didn’t realize initially that animals were an obsession. But then the speaker in the poem “Tail” started waving her tail! So I started thinking about and attending more consciously to all the ways in which humans are animals. I have found so much joy in playfully resisting phobic assumptions about what kinds of bodies are “natural,” and what kinds of acts are “natural” for any species—human, killer whale, or marmot. While writing these poems, I learned a lot about how queer our environs are from reading biologist Bruce Bagemihl’s Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity.

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Three poems by alum Michael Collins (poetry, ’03) appear at Modern Poetry Quarterly Review:

My corpse has awoken from its crusade
in the other world of myth and dream,
where I failed to subject gods and beings
to whatever tenuous totalidoxy

I thought I was seeking. To verify
You exist. I suppose this is all for the best.
Infallible ideas tend to lead to holy wars,
which would end poorly, me having no army.

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A poem by alum Ben Jackson (poetry, ’06) appears at The Collagist:

If I try to remember Mom, her diet
of floating ice, crisp torso then
the thigh’s hone, face slanted to hardwood
as to the sharpening block, all I see
are the girls surrounding her, whispering
or wailing, I couldn’t tell which.

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Congratulations to Robert Thomas (poetry, ’02) on winning the 2015 PEN Center USA Literary Award for Fiction for his novel Bridge.

From the award ceremony program:

“In Bridge, Robert Thomas constructs, with urgency and crackling, unrelenting energy, a story told with the contradictory self-doubt and wild self-awareness of a bright, sardonic, and potentially self-destructive young woman. Even as we appreciate her tenuous existential dilemma, Alice’s vivid internal construction of an overwhelming worldview in short diaristic episodes seems, in its very creation, to keep her alive. Considering how easily readers might have felt claustrophobic within, or limited by Alice’s point of view—interior, unraveling—it is singularly impressive that Thomas manages—through the beauty of his prose, sophistication of his references, and propulsive energy of Alice’s mind—to connect the reader, and the narrator’s struggle, with the outside world. Although Alice’s beautiful and dangerous estrangement is entirely and selfishly her own, it becomes ours, and teaches us something larger and universal. This novel is an experiential wonder, giddy and joyful reading via the desperate empathy it both demands and models. The digressive, perfectly choreographed role of docent to everyday madness, as played by our heroine, is a brave pleasure in word and sentence, a totally pleasing combination of narrator and authorial, artistic self-control, and vividly evocative self-consciousness.”

Judges’ Statement of Cynthia Sweeney, Melanie Thorne, and Andrew Tonkovich, 2015 PEN Center USA Literary Award for Fiction

An excerpt from alum Scott Nadelson’s (fiction, ’11) novel “Between You and Me” appears at The Collagist:

If the woman weren’t blocking his way, he doubted he would have noticed her legs. Given an open path he would have bolted past without a glance. As it was, his eyes were fixed on them, in black nylons, dark over her calves, sheer where they stretched over the first flare of her thighs, more so, he imagined, the higher they rose under her skirt. She walked the way models did down a runway, heel to toe, but she did so lazily, with no urgency, weaving gently through the crowded terminal, unaware, it seemed, of people streaming past in either direction. She wasn’t as tall as a model, or as thin, and when he allowed his eyes to rise above her waist, he saw that her posture was slouched, her neck squat, brown hair dull despite a fashionable cut, sheared high in back and molded into points on either cheek. Still, her face in profile had a casual austerity he found appealing, her jawline prominent, chin protruding just slightly past her lips, which were full and gently parted. Her nose, slightly upturned, he could live with.

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An essay by alum Lauren Alwan (fiction, ’08) appears at The Northwest Review of Books:

Most days there are at least fifteen documents open on my laptop. These consist of works in various stages, some newly drafted or in mid-revision, and others that seem close, but remain suspended in a state of near-completion. Generally, the newer works get the attention while the nearly finished are deferred. I have difficulty with that final phase, when the questions narrow and the focus tightens, and as a result, I tend to temporize. This includes looking for answers outside the work—trolling online articles or revisiting well-loved books and essays—though this is nothing more than distraction disguised as research. Yet I do it all the same, squandering time and energy while the work remains undone. “A story can rot,” Jane Hamilton says, and the state of the drop-down list is a stark reminder of how precarious finishing can be. – See more at:

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A poem by alum Abigail Wender (poetry, ’08) appears at The Cortland Review:

Give me dice, sticks, stones, knucklebones,
read the dog’s liver, bird’s flight.
If I choose a god to worship,
if I pin a white flag in my lapel,
will I find him pocketing my last twenty?

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A poem by alum Meghan O’Rourke (poetry, ’05) appears at The Poetry Foundation:

Was it like lifting a veil
And was the grass treacherous, the green grass
Did you think of your own mother
Was it like a virus
Did the software flicker

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An interview with alum Kerrin McCadden (poetry, ’14) about her collection Landscape with Plywood Silhouettes appears at the Beloit Poetry JournalYou can read the interview online. You can also find her poem “Burial” in the same issue.