Two poems by alum Kathy Alma Peterson (poetry, ’07) appear at IthacaLit:

Sleight with Homage to Linen

Without ransack a theft can go undetected
for months       even years may pass before

trained eyes miss the heirloom watch      hands
(arms, really) frozen at the moment it was lifted

(taken from the bureau where it was to be for life)

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A story by alum Erin Stalcup (fiction, ’04) appears at Monkeybicycle:

Possibly many of you have done the thing this person is charged with. If we, the court, knew it, you would be on trial. We’re seeking to see today if you can be an impartial judge of this person who is accused of not loving her neighbors as she loved herself.

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A piece by alum Gabriel Blackwell (fiction, ’09) appears at The Fanzine:

Tom Helmore, the English actor who plays Gavin Elster in Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo, had been in two previous Hitchcock movies, 1927′s The Ring and 1936′s Secret Agent. He appears in the credits for neither one.

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Four poems by alum Nathan McClain (poetry, ’13) appear at Connotation Press:

On Taking Alba Back to the Pound

They’ll say: we’ll find a place for him.
They’ll say: someone will come.

But you already know what will be done:
someone will come and apply light

pressure to the dog’s foreleg; a fine needle
will pass into his vein—this process

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A new piece by alum Jennifer Givhan (poetry, ’15) appears at The Adroit Journal. You can listen to a reading or read it yourself online…

A poem by alum Christine Fadden (fiction, ’09) appears at Shadowgraph:

Muscle bound by fog of night, ink I taste and bathe in,
imprint your irises on my bones. Etch across my throat
your love line.

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A poem by alum Daye Phillippo (poetry, ’14) appears at Shenandoah:

That morning, eleven wild turkeys,
roaming over the yard and garden
in unison the way my imagination roams,
pecking up the unlikely. The unlikely blue
of the bird’s heads and necks long enough to be
a prank played which might have been why

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A story by alum Cass Pursell (fiction, ’96) appears at Shenandoah:

JT’s sitting at a dark corner table in Carla’s and raises his arm to look at his wrist and make a point on my running late. The watch’s illumination lights the stubble on his face in a tight glow, and the house band starts into another one of those guitar-driven jams that never seem to go out of style. Timmy’s younger sister shakes her hips at the mike and smiles at me as I pass. I give her a nod, and think there’s another talented girl who’ll have to settle for whatever she can get. I motion to Carla for a beer and sit down across from JT.

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An interview with alum Daye Phillipo (poetry, ’14) appears at Shenandoah:

Are there any parts of this poem that are autobiographical?

Oh yes, that group of eleven young turkeys really did straggle through my backyard one morning. We live on twenty acres—pastures, woods, and the Little Shawnee River running through—in the midst of farmland, so we see wildlife regularly: deer, coyote, raccoon, opossum, rabbit, squirrel, a fox now and then, and a host of songbirds and insects. I’d spotted adult turkeys before but never young ones, and never that large of a group. It was especially odd to see them so close to the house and garden.

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Four poems by alum Jayne Benjulian (poetry, ’13) appear at the Delaware Poetry Review:

His Boots
Jefferson’s boots
stand against the wall, they are small
for a man who shaved off the top
of a mountain for a view: Blue
Ridge and one thousand yards of mud

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