An excerpt from the book Bridge by alumnus Robert Thomas (poetry, ’02) appears at the Tin House Blog:

I walked halfway across this morning, and it made me feel ordinary. Everyone who crosses the Golden Gate thinks of jumping. Even the kid with his skateboard pissing off the pedestrians imagines their reaction if he’d careen down the cable from the south tower and launch himself toward Fort Point. It always depends on savoring a reaction you won’t be there to witness, not so different from writing a letter like this.

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The poem “Housewife” by alumna Leslie Shinn (poetry, ’01) appears at Poetry Daily:

When the spiders come
inside, surprised off
the cacti that summered out,

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Five poems by alumnus Andy Young (poetry, ’11) appear at New World Writing:

Aubade Before Birth

my body’s all she knows
of the world, her turning all
I know of her body

Aristophanes’ lovers,
all roundness and limbs,
we’re a meld of selves

the gods will split skin to skin

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The poem “Dream of the Rood” by alumna Rebecca Foust (poetry, ’10) appears at Poetry Daily:

You should follow your dream, whispered the rude
young yoga instructor, earnest, and bent
on proving that pain could, at its heart, be good,”

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The poem “Laika” by alumna Kerrin McCadden (poetry, ’14) appears at Verse Daily:

How do you tell your children it was never easy.
That the boards you planed to build their house

were contracts. The nails you dropped were pleas.
How do you tell them the bushes you planted

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levisThe deadline for the Levis approaches.

UPDATE:  Applications will now be accepted through Submittable.

The Larry Levis Stipend was established through the generosity of an anonymous donor and named for a beloved member of the MFA Program faculty. The award is given to support a graduate of the Warren Wilson College MFA Program for Writers who is completing his/her first book. The Levis Stipend alternates between awards for poetry and for fiction, and the 2015 award will be made to a poet. The annual stipend is determined by the income produced by the Levis Fund Endowment during the previous year. This year’s amount will be $4000.

Submissions are being accepted until October 15, 2014.  Details on the Projects and Scholarships page of the Friends of Writers website.


A Several World by Brian Blanchfield (poetry, 1999) is among the ten poetry collections longlisted for the 2014 National Book Award. Finalists will be announced on October 15, and the winner will be named at the National Book Award Ceremony and Benefit Dinner in New York City on November 19. Last year’s National Book Award in poetry went to faculty member Mary Szybist, for Incarnadine.

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A poem by alumnus Timothy Cook (poetry, ’08), “Oracion por Justin Bigos,” appears at The Collagist:

“He was the melting pot, the saucepan

heating marinara for pouring over
ziti & meat that weeks earlier
grazed outside his window. He was tall”

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Alumna Rose McLarney (poetry, ’10) has written about her work for State, the official magazine of Oklahoma State University:

Poetry professor Rose McLarney recently published her second collection of poems,Its Day Being Gone, which won the National Poetry Series. The critically acclaimed collection examines the quality of memory as seen in centuries-old folktales and in how individuals form recollections of their lives. The second-year OSU professor received her Master of Fine Arts degree from Warren Wilson College in North Carolina. Her first poetry collection, The Always Broken Plates of Mountains, was published in 2012. She has won numerous awards and fellowships for her poetry. STATE asked McLarney to write something for our readers about her work. We were delighted to receive the following, which falls somewhere between prose poem and essay.

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nathanpooleAlumnus Nathan Poole (fiction, ’11) has won The 2014 Quarterly West Novella Contest for his novella Pathkiller as the Holy Ghost.

“Benjamin Percy says ‘Pathkiller as the Holy Ghost does not fetishize the past—and so make it feel forged—but instead captures it with naturalism and authenticity that sink the reader back in time.'”

Alumna Lynette D’Amico (fiction, ’13) was a Finalist for the same award for her novella Road Trip.

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