The 2012 Larry Levis Post-Graduate Stipend has been awarded to Justin Gardiner.  Justin will receive $10,000 to complete his first book of poetry.  Judge Mary Szybist said of his manuscript, “I am thrilled to be able to select this outstanding poet for particular recognition and support.”
The Levis Stipend is an award given to support a graduate of the Warren Wilson College MFA Program for Writers who is completing his or her first book.  The stipend alternates between awards for poetry and for fiction.

Dilruba Ahmed (poetry ’09): Dilruba’s poetry collection Dhaka Dust: Poems (2011, Graywolf Press) won the 2010 Bakeless Prize for Poetry.


Lucy Anderton (poetry ’05): In 2011 Lucy published poems in Fence and Drunken Boat. Her chapbook “Lantern” was a semi-finalist for the Tupelo Press Snowbound Chapbook Award.  But Lucy says, “This is all frosting on the cake of the biggest news: In October I had the enormous good fortune of safely giving birth to my first child, Ophelia Melody. She sends you all a good and gusty ‘Squawk!!!!’”


Pam Bernard (poetry ’96): Pam began an educational outreach program centered around her book of narratives about the Great War, Blood Garden: An Elegy for Raymond (2010, WordTech Communications).  She shares Blood Garden with students in high school and undergraduate history and writing programs, in an effort to engage young people with the personal experience of war. She has found the response staggering.


Phil Boiarski (poetry ’80): Phil’s poems can be found between Maxwell Bodenheim and Sarah Knowles Bolton at the UK’s Black Cat Poems, an online anthology of modern poetry.