The MFA Program for Writers Southern California Alumni Association has launched a reading series and we are so very excited to hear you read your work! The series is open to all alumni of the Warren Wilson MFA program living in Southern California, as well as all Warren Wilson MFA graduates and faculty passing through. Readers for The Sprawwl will not be judged, but will be lightly curated by the committee for variety, balance and inclusion. Each event will feature two poets and two prose writers. Whether you are a recent grad or a well-established writer, we want to hear from you. We can’t wait to connect and reconnect our awesome community of writers at Warren Wilson!
Our first event will take place at Boston Court Theatre in Pasadena on Sunday, June 9, 2019, from 3-5 p.m. A casual reception will follow the readings, and if we still haven’t gotten enough of each other, we can continue the fun at a local restaurant. A second event is being planned for December 2, 2019 at Beyond Baroque in Venice. We will send out a second call for submissions and more details closer to the date. Meanwhile, if you’d like to read in June, please send us your workl!
Submission Guidelines
If you write fiction, please send 5-10 pages and a short bio to [email protected].
If you write poetry, please send 3–5 poems (no more than 10 pages) and a short bio to the same address.
Your submissions should reflect the kind of work you plan to read and should reach us by March 15, 2019.
It is our hope that writers chosen for The Sprawwl, whether residents of Southern California or passing through, will commit to supporting and growing the Warren Wilson Southern California Alumni Association through attendance at meetings, volunteer work, and/or donations to Friends of Writers.
Looking forward to seeing and hearing you soon!
The Reading Committee