A poem by alum Ross White (poetry, ’08) appears at The Collagist:

The secret is to swallow cities whole,
drink from the gulch after floodwaters come,
make a nest of stars to safely pass night
and emerge fresh in the morning. Drink beer

by the barrel, gin by the distillery,
smoke fields of tobacco wrapped in muslin.
Live like a titan until living
kills you. Cronus sent mammoth

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Fred Arroyo (fiction, ’97):  Fred’s second book, Western Avenue and Other Fictions (University of Arizona Press, 2012), was recently reviewed in the El Paso Times, as well as at Publishers Weekly, where reviewers praised the book’s “vivid picture of the migrant class, shining light on those frequently forgotten.”

Fred is also happy to announce that he’ll be starting this fall as Assistant Professor of English with specialization in fiction writing at the University of South Dakota.