Tag Archive for: Alumni Conference|Scholarships|Warren Wilson MFA

Two generous alums who want to see you at the conference this summer have provided additional scholarship funds. In addition to the plentiful scholarships we began with, we have an additional unrestricted scholarship of $500, and an additional $250 for the recent graduate scholarship, a total of $700.

We have SIX SEVEN scholarships available this year for people attending the full-stay option:

  • Linda Dyer Memorial Scholarship (available only to poetry grads) – $500
  • 2 Distance Scholarships (available to people traveling 1,500+ miles) – $500; $750
  • 1 Recent Graduate Scholarships (available to grads after Winter 2009) – $500
  • 2  3 Alumni Scholarships (Unrestricted; open to all) – $500

To be eligible, you must attend the full-stay conference (July 28-August 3).

Please don’t hesitate if you require financial assistance to get to the conference!  Names will be drawn from a hat.  Applications for the Linda Dyer Scholarship will be drawn first, followed by the Recent Graduate Scholarships and Distance Scholarships.  Remaining scholarships will be drawn from all remaining scholarship requests.

If you have received a scholarship in the last three years, please give someone else the chance to benefit.


How to apply: Email your interest to: pegalford.pursell at gmail dot com

Please send the following information:

  • Name
  • Whether you graduated in poetry or fiction and what year
  • Your address (if you live 1,500 miles or more from St. Mary’s)

Include “Post MFA Conference Scholarship” in the title of your e-mail.

For more information about the conference, please visit the website at http://www.wwcmfa.org/alumni/conference-information/

Special request: please share the info with others since not everyone is on the listserv, Facebook, or checks the FOW blog. Also, the email list contains email addresses that are no longer functional for some alums, so you might urge others you know to send their current address to Robert Thomas at rthomas at kvn dot com, who kindly sends out email blasts, and to Amy Grimm in the MFA office, agrimm at warren-wilson dot edu.

Thank you, everyone.  We’re getting excited as the registrations are beginning to come in. Remember your deadline for that is April 30.

Peg Alford Pursell

Co-coordinator of 2013 Conference