“Blake Griffin Dunks Over A Car” by faculty member Matthew Olzmann (poetry ’09)

“Blake Griffin Dunks Over A Car” by faculty member Matthew Olzmann (poetry ’09), published by Four Way Review.

Blake Griffin Dunks Over A Car

with a full gospel choir crooning behind him,
with twenty thousand spectators surging to their feet, 
with an arena of flashbulbs flashing its approval, 
and I’m spellbound, thinking it’s all so spectacular, until 

the broadcast team weighs in, 
and Charles Barkley says, “That wasn’t the greatest dunk,” 
and Marv Albert says, “But the presentation was pretty fun,”  
and I’m made to revisit what I thought I saw 
as one question replaces all others—

Was it truly extraordinary? Or, by the paragon 
of unimpeachable aesthetic standards by which 
the annual NBA Slam Dunk Competition is adjudicated, 
was it actually pedestrian, mortal, a somewhat meh occurrence
made mythic only through gimmicks and frills?  

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