“Henceforth,” by C. Dale Young

Poetry faculty member C. Dale Young was recently featured in The Rupture. Read an excerpt of “Henceforth” below:


after Jaime Gil de Biedma

All of my life, I could barely remember it. As after a dream,
I stared at the clouds floating above the sea and thought
of rain, and it rained. Later, when I learned the word Desistare

and used it with intent, I found I could stop the rain.
“All of my life.” It sounds so odd to say that out loud.
But strange thing after strange thing transpired. Imagine.

The day ends in a flash of color and wonder, and the sea
slowly becomes the night sky. You may or may not
have feelings when this happens. I cannot speak for you.


Read this poem in its entirety here: https://www.therupturemag.com/rupture/henceforth