“Swing Low Sweet Chicken Baby,” a short story by alumni Nathan Poole (fiction, ’11) appears online at Nat. Brut.

When one of the summer hands let a bucket of roofing nails get away—not yet learned enough to yell out as it hissed down the rake and disappeared over the collar beam—Bates was standing directly beneath, thinking about his sperm count and how he might get his wife to move back in.

The impact brought him down hard to his knees and left the taste of iron in his mouth. He moved his fingers gently up his bald scalp, creeping along the gash. It started at the very top of his head and widened in the center as it slanted towards his right eye. He brought the hand back in front of his face and rubbed the blood between his thumb and forefinger like he would anti-freeze, testing the viscosity. The blood went thin with sweat and ran off the tip of his nose into the dust where each drop formed a small crater between his knees. Bates wondered if he could form his initials. He aimed the drops into the dirt with one eye closed, sighting off the end of his nose. He formed the L quickly, almost effortlessly, but found the B more difficult. The curves, they would be harder to get right...[Keep Reading]…

Alumna Christine Fadden (fiction, ’09) has been named one of two winners of this year’s Wyoming Arts Council Blanchan Doubleday Award, for her entry “5 Pieces of Flash Fiction.” In addition to a cash award, she will have the opportunity to read excerpts from her work in Casper Wyoming, as part of the WyoPoets annual workshop and poetry readings.

Readings will be held April 19, at Metro Coffee Company, 241 S. David St., Casper, beginning at 7 p.m. For more information, visit the Wyoming Arts Council website.

Alumna Krys Lee (fiction, ’08) has won the first annual Story Prize Spotlight Award, for her story collection Drifting House (Penguin, 2012).


The award “provides $1,000 to the author of a book submitted for The Story Prize that the judges believe deserves further attention.”  For more information, visit thestoryprize.blogspot.com


Alumna Nan Cuba (fiction, ’89) recently visited Austin Community College to discuss writing and read from her new novel Body and Bread (Engine Books, 2013).

See all video excerpts from the interview here

Fiction ’09 alumna Vicky Mlyniec’s story “This I Am Allowed” appears in the January issue of Brevity.


I hold my heavy carry-on in front of me so as not to bump people, brushing shoulders and rustling newspapers as I make my way down the narrow aisle.  I’ll be out of the way soon. I see my seat now, row 24, on the aisle. A well-coiffed silver-haired woman is settled in the window seat. Good. Women are best.

I balance my bag on the armrest a moment and, unaided, hoist it into the overhead with quivering arms. I think of the silver-haired woman as I tuck my raincoat into the bin and wonder how it will go this time...[Keep Reading]…

“Song of the Sea with Three Lines from Carlos Drummond de Andrade,” a poem by alumna Angela Narciso Torres (poetry, ’09) appears in the latest issue of Drunken Boat:


Why does the deep seem deeper, the sea

wilder this morning? Next to it, life

is a static sun without warmth or light.

Our backs, not bent over papers at a desk, uncoil.

Lungs fill with air. Freed from leather, our feet

leave blurred, disappearing shapes

on the wave-swept bed. Friendships, birthdays,

personal matters don’t count. Everything is relative, …[Keep Reading]…

Alumni RJ Gibson (poetry, ’11) reads three poems, including his own, “Agnosticism” at One Pause Poetry:

photo_(2)_252_189_s   RJ Gibson

RJ Gibson holds an MFA in Poetry from the Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College.  He is the author of the chapbooks Scavenge (co-winner of the 2009 Robin Becker Prize) and You Could Learn a Lot...[Listen Here]…

Corey Campbell (fiction, ’12): Corey’s short story “The Meteor” is this week’s feature at Necessary Fiction:


Mr. Tibberly found a meteorite on his hike in the desert. He knew straight off it had once been a meteor, but he hadn’t studied geology in school, so he decided to take it to the university meteorite lab to be sure.

His life had become very lonely lately. His failures disappointed him. Possibilities flooded his mind like mudslides.

Feels like everything is potential, he thought, but nothing has become.

If he were a robot, he would have shut himself off.

Mr. Tibberly held the meteorite closely. Everything is potential. But not this...[Keep Reading]…


Christine Hale (fiction, ’96): Christine’s short story “Milk” appears in the latest issue of Spry:


I held on tight to my baby bottle right up to four years old.  Black-and-white photos from the old Kodak Brownie attest to this: my lanky self lolling on the glossy-waxed linoleum of the kitchen floor, eyes glazed with bliss, head cradled on a favorite plaid-cased pillow, one knee cocked and the other balanced atop its fulcrum, free foot bouncing like Mitch Miller’s sing-along ball.

My father liked milk, too.  He drank more than his share according to my mother, and, worse, he raided the butterfat that topped the un-homogenized milk, using a spoon or even his finger to pop the cream coin from the bottle’s mouth to his. I’d seen him do it, and imagined the greasy bite as repulsive, but what really gave the act its charge was my mother’s response. Control of the milk, especially the cream, made a flashpoint in their mostly cold war...[Keep Reading]…

Christine is the author of the novel Basil’s Dream (Livingston Press, 2009).

“What Was Missing,” a poem by alumna Margaree Little (poetry, ’12) is this week’s feature at The Missouri Review.


What Was Missing

The undersides
of the hands. The hair.


The eyes. The chin,
the spot where the chin


becomes the neck.
Both of the arms.…[Keep Reading]…