Alumni Matthew Olzmann’s poem, “Mountain Dew Commercial Disguised as a Love Poem” is up at Rattle: Poetry for the 21st Century.


Here’s what I’ve got, the reasons why our marriage
might work: Because you wear pink but write poems
about bullets and gravestones. Because you yell
at your keys when you lose them, and laugh,
loudly, at your own jokes. Because you can hold a pistol,
gut a pig. Because you memorize songs, even commercials
from thirty years back and sing them when vacuuming… [Keep Reading]

Read alumna Glenis Redmond‘s new poem in the latest issue of Tongues of the Ocean, Words and Writing from the Islands.

Stomach Trouble

Congenital defect means
my first breath was snatched
by trouble’s hand.

It held me
before I felt
my mama’s embrace.

All five of her babies,
born before time:
I was a whole month shy,

a small mahogany fist of cries
straining against a world
I was not ready to enter.

At 4 lbs. 6 oz.,
I arrived with loss
at my center: umbilical hernia.

My insides
pushing out:
the disposition of  a poet…  [Keep Reading]

Glenis is the author of the poetry collection, Backbone (200, Underground Epics).  She also shares her poetry in live performances, some of which are available on her Youtube channel.

Gail Peck (poetry, ’87):  Gail’s book Counting the Lost was published in September by Main Street Rag.  Her essay, “In the Shadow of Beauty” is included in the online journal Connotation Press.  Her poems are forthcoming in Nimrod, Comstock Review, and elsewhere.

Reginald Dwayne Betts (poetry ’10) reads at

Reginald has received an NAACP Image Award and a Radcliffe Fellowship to Harvard University’s Radcliffe Institute of Advanced Studies.

He is the author of the poetry collection Shahid Reads His Own Palm (2010, Alice James Books) and A Question of Freedom: A Memoir of Learning, Survival, and Coming of Age in Prison (2009, Avery).

Faith S. Holsaert (fiction ’82):  Faith has a short sequence of poems forthcoming in So to Speak, a Feminist Journal of Language and Art, where she was selected by Claudia Rankine for an honorable mention in the journal’s poetry contest.  You can find an excerpt as well as her artist’s statement here.

Faith’s short story “Appalachian Mitzvah,” appeared in the December 2011 issue of Spittoon.  Faith also blogs at A Writer’s Work: an agitation of writing and reading.

Bob Ayres (Poetry ’93):  Bob’s first collection of poems, Shadow of Wings, will be published this spring by Main Street Rag Publishing Company as part of its Author’s Choice Chapbook Series.  The manuscript was recommended for the series by fellow alum Gail Peck (poetry ’87).

The March/April 2012 issue of Poets and Writers Magazine will carry an article by Warren Wilson graduate Jennifer Wisner Kelly titled, “Why We Write: The Tax Man Cometh.”  From Poets and Writers:

As if rejections from literary magazines weren’t enough, the ultimate rejection (with an eight-thousand-dollar invoice to boot) comes from the IRS. Contributor Jennifer Wisner Kelly chronicles what it takes to be a Writer in the eyes of Uncle Sam.


Jennifer’s first published story is forthcoming in the Greensboro Review.

Krys Lee (fiction ’08) talks about her book Drifting House on CBS News’ Author Talk:


[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.1012710&w=425&h=350&]

Robert V.S. Redick (fiction ’2001): Robert’s novel The River of Shadows was published in March 2011 by Gollancz (U.K.) and Del Rey (U.S.). The fourth and final book in the series will be published in May 2012. In October, Robert was a finalist in the Esquire 2011 short-short fiction contest, and was selected to attend a workshop with National Book Award-Winner Colum McCann.


Kristen Rembold (poetry ’06): Kristen’s poetry chapbook, Leaf and Tendril (2011, Finishing Line Press) is now available.


Joe Schuster (fiction ’91): Joe’s novel, The Might Have Been, will appear in March 2012 from Ballantine Books.


Natalie Serber (fiction ’05): Natalie’s short story collection, Shout Her Lovely Name, will be released in June 2012 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.  She is working on a new novel that the publisher purchased in a two book deal.

Susan Sterling (fiction ’92): Susan’s story “Paris Street” appears in the fantasy/science fiction anthology, Altered States (2011, Main Street Rag).


Jeneva Stone (poetry ’07): Jeneva is a 2012 recipient of a MacDowell Fellowship in Nonfiction. An essay of hers appears in the fall 2011 issue of Colorado Review.


Janet Thornburg (fiction ’07): Janet read from her memoir-in-progress at Why There Are Words, the literary reading series hosted by Wally Peg Alford Pursell in Sausalito, California. Her short story, “Musical Tables” was published online in Diverse Voices Quarterly in January, and in April it appeared in print in Sanskrit Literary-Arts Magazine. In August she attended the Wet Mountain Valley Writers’ Conference in Colorado, where she studied with Dorothy Allison.  She is currently working on her novel, Calling Her Back from the Dead.
