On March 12th, I assigned myself a uniform: my blue denim shirt. I needed something that was just right for the temperature inside the house in early spring. I needed something to signal daytime and the work of getting through one day of this or one thousand. I needed this one thing to be decided for the duration.

The blue denim shirt makes me feel like, I don’t know, I mean business? It’s denim, but it’s a collared shirt, so it’s a very particular kind of business. It’s a Rosie the Riveter shirt, if Rosie shopped at TJ Maxx. 

Rosie’s business in her blue denim shirt was building airplanes to defeat Nazis. My business in my blue shirt now is subpar Montessori teacher rodeo clown hype woman. My business is Kindergarten app passwords snacks snacks snacks, screams, questions I can’t answer, little sad lonely sobs, my business is knock knock jokes is this ok am I doing today right and I don’t know when it will end or if you can go swimming or see nanna soon.  

“Work, Shirt” appeared on the Triangle House Blog. Read the rest of the essay here: https://www.triangle.house/housebound/work-shirt

Say Chicken Little was right, that the sky
is falling. What I want to know is,
will the moon fall too? Will it bounce softly
like swiss cheese, or will it crumble
like a stale cookie? Do skies bruise?
Do they ache? And is the sky
a metaphor for all the ills and evils
of the world? A testament
to how the earth can only hold so much
pain and grief? But why
would God send a chicken? Would you listen
to a chicken? Is the chicken a metaphor
for Jesus? Did the Bible mention this
and somehow I missed it? Is this because
in 6th grade my teacher made me promise Jesus
my virginity in a gift basket? Actually, if the sky falls,
could we see God? Should we be afraid? Aren’t people
already afraid? Isn’t that why people
are loving on ration, and why as a child
I was told to think before I touched,
as if touching was not its own way
of thinking? When I kiss you,
your tongue undoes reason.

The poem appeared on Lit Hub on May 22, 2020

James Baldwin finds a unique way to interiority in “Sonny’s Blues,” which was first published in 1957. I say unique, because I’m not sure there’s another story like this; a character’s thoughts and perceptions are normally voiced from that particular character’s point of view. But because Baldwin’s narrator is seeing his brother in a new light, because Baldwin understands the complexities of jazz, and, I believe, because the narrator learns to love his brother in this moment, he is able to look deeply at what Sonny is feeling and thinking, able to get to the internal workings of another soul on the page. Baldwin relies on empathy in “Sonny’s Blues” and brandishes it as a tool, a unique craft element used to construct an effective story.

Late in the story, as the brothers arrive at the nightclub where Sonny will play, Baldwin creates a mood by talking in generalities about music—these sentences aren’t about Sonny, and yet they tell us something about him: “The man who creates the music is hearing something else, is dealing with the roar rising from the void and imposing order on it as it hits the air. What is evoked in him, then, is of another order, more terrible because it has no words, and triumphant, too, for that same reason.” This is Sonny’s struggle and dilemma, to find order in that void. Everything we’ve learned about Sonny to this point adds to the depth of this search. And the narrator sees Sonny’s struggle on stage: “His face was troubled, he was working hard, but he wasn’t with it.”

The beauty and depth of emotion required for jazz and blues are analogous to Sonny’s life in these paragraphs, and the narrator sees this for the first time—he hadn’t bothered to venture into Sonny’s world before. He notes the connection—the humanity, really—that flows back and forth between the musicians on the stage. He sees that Creole, his brother’s friend and bandleader, shares an understanding with Sonny that their journey, in life or music, is the same: “[Creole] wanted Sonny to leave the shoreline and strike out for the deep water. He was Sonny’s witness that deep water and drowning were not the same thing—he had been there, and he knew.” Sonny’s life has been troubled, and the narrator senses that, for Sonny, joy and beauty must necessarily be found through struggle.

Baldwin writes, “Sonny moved, deep within, exactly like someone in torment. I had never before thought of how awful the relationship must be between the musician and the instrument…While there’s only so much you can do with it, the only way to find this out is to try: to try and make it do everything.” The narrator sees Sonny’s struggles through this lens now and, for the first time, understands his brother. “He wasn’t on much better terms with his life, not the life that stretched before him now. He and the piano stammered, started one way, got scared, stopped; started another way, panicked, marked time, started again; then seemed to have found a direction, panicked again, got stuck.”

The essay was published in CRAFT. Read the rest of it here: https://www.craftliterary.com/2020/05/19/empathy-as-craft-gerry-stanek/?fbclid=IwAR02yoMzNdmFfxkAdeBU8zr5HdRjdGzib5_aA2iJ7sHjcKUw4Msx0Vf95Zg

Dilruba is interviewed by fiction writer and essayist Curtis Smith

Curtis Smith: Congratulations on Bring Now The Angels. I really enjoyed it. Being part of the Pitt Poetry Series is quite an achievement. Can you share the manuscript’s path and how it found a home with Pitt?

Dilruba Ahmed: Thanks, Curt! I received the good news from Ed Ochester in March of 2019.  The acceptance note came from an unfamiliar e-mail address, so initially I was uncertain!

Over the course of 2-3 years, I’d sent versions of the manuscript to various presses, revising heavily (and retitling) several times.  In fact, Pitt rejected an earlier version of of the manuscript in 2018.  Various precursors to Bring Now The Angels were a two-time finalist for the Kundiman Poetry Prize from Tupelo Press; a semi-finalist for the Lena-Miles Wever Todd Prize from Pleiades Press; and a 2nd runner up for the Benjamin Saltman Award from Ren Hen Press.

Even after Pitt accepted the manuscript, I subjected it to another round of substantial updates before submitting the truly finalized version to the press.

The staff at Pitt are lovely people and I can’t thank them enough for their support of my work, and for the amazing cover they created.  All along the way, I was lucky to get the feedback of several trusted readers to guide my revision process, especially that of my dear friend, poet & editor Ross White, whose book Charm Offensive is forthcoming from Eyewear Publishing.  He & I have been tradingpoems and draft manuscripts for years.  My poems evolved only with the gift of Ross’ keen eyes on them.

Read the rest of the interview here: https://jmwwblog.wordpress.com/2020/05/18/letting-go-an-interview-with-dilruba-ahmed-by-curtis-smith/?fbclid=IwAR2grXZ-mQJRmufvztfg5kocFyYkTsZB1nKabrn3TLmkmrcmU0iAYQhdgms

Is there a moment, image, memory, or experience from your childhood that jumps out at you now as hinting at or communicating the possibility that you would become an artist, a poet?

Tommye Blount: Nope, never a poet—ha! That was never a part of my thinking as a child. The need to tell a story, however, was always there. My mother worked in an office at Michigan Bell, a typist of some sort. I forgot how it all started, but she would bring big reams of dot matrix paper home. The sight of it just made me so excited. There was something so stimulating about seeing all of that blank space with no lines or margins. It was very different from the green lined paper we would use learning cursive in school. This was an invitation to fill up as much space as I could. I would doodle and write all over the sheets. There was a child’s hunger for maximalism that faded in my teen and part of my adult years.

In those years, and still now somewhat, there is safety in wanting to take up as less space as possible. It’s partly why the book is big. A challenge to myself, I wanted to force myself to take up, and earn, the space of this book. In a world that would rather deny me, a Black gay man, space I wanted to claim it for this book. I did not come to the realization on my own, but it was partly seeing the work of Detroit artists like Tylonn J. Sawyer and Sydney G. James—artists who have created massive murals in which every wrinkle and hair of its Black subject must be reckoned with. When one encounters the work, they have no choice but to consider the subject.

Read the rest of the interview here: https://lithub.com/tommye-blount-no-one-gets-off-the-hook-in-my-poems/?fbclid=IwAR2lLUAhrUsvUJXRmp15qdL412725J88k3c0BogXyvkbkPXkh-Ke5ztIUk4

Just north of Railway Wood
British Trench Map Sheet: 28 NW 4 Ypres
We are no longer confused about harm.
Harm is in specific locations. 
I.5.d.9.1, for example, the small field
100 yards due east of Gully Farm.
We strive to remain unattached,
without attraction or aversion
to material forms. 
   The way
Phillips and Mercer did,
who understood such distinctions.
Most of them is still missing.
Cover and excerpt courtesy of New Directions

Perry Janes 2019 poetry graduate Perry Janes recently had a poem featured by the Poetry Foundation. Read an excerpt of “No Thanks” below:

No Thanks

After W.S. Merwin, sort of

            every day the world is making its meager
mea culpas for Easter peeps arranged on dollar store plates
            at dinner parties invisible fences the dogs run past
for bleach-stained laundry fresh from the laundromat

Find the rest of this poem here: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poetrymagazine/poems/153199/no-thanks

Dispatch from a Pandemic: Chicago,” by Peggy Shinner (Fiction ’94), was recently featured in Another Chicago Magazine. Read an excerpt below:

Dispatch from a Pandemic: Chicago

Do we all have secrets now?  A friend of mine is unspeakably happy, because she’s fallen in love during the pandemic.  She’d been widowed over thirteen years ago (not a term I’ve ever heard her use but what is the term when you’re queer and grieving?), C. died of breast cancer, and now R. is bleary-eyed with sex and wonder.  She and N., her new love, hold hands at the table.  They are building raised garden beds. They wear bandanas that make them look jaunty and their faces are alive with pleasure.  R. is an activist, and before the primary she, N., and others hung a banner over the Eisenhower Expressway urging people to VOTE.  And my secret, in this time of vigilance and side-eye surveillance?  I resist the rules.  I wear a mask, but only sometimes.  No when I’m running and walking, yes when I’m shopping.  I feel confused and defiant.  I don’t always want to be trying to evade death…

Read the rest of this piece here: https://anotherchicagomagazine.net/2020/05/10/dispatch-from-a-pandemic-chicago-by-peggy-shinner-2

Delivery By Mouth,” a poem by 2016 graduate Lara Egger, was recently featured in the Washington Square Review. Read an excerpt below:

Delivery By Mouth

Most weeks I’m accordion but I’d prefer to be harmonica.
My body language is easier to read with the lights turned off.
Accord and harmony are synonyms
for the parts of speech that leave a lump in my throat.
At the dinner party someone says,
Sorry for all this talk about pregnancy.
Wolves are in the water. Wolves are in the water
so the water better learn how to swim.

Find the rest of this poem here: https://washingtonsquarereview.squarespace.com/lara-egger

The Mathematician’s Daughter,” a short story by Sonja Srinivasan (Fiction ’19) was recently published by The Write Launch. Read an excerpt below:

The Mathematician’s Daughter (A Modern Victorian Tale)

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. She jerks her head up with a start and sees the clock–9:40 a.m. There just might be time! There just might be time if Nancy runs fast enough, time to see John and confess her love for him. She has been working on a proof all night and has fallen asleep at her desk and is late, is late, for a very important date, and now she doesn’t know if she can catch him before he catches his plane. But how quickly can she descend that damn staircase that begins outside her door, the staircase that is an endless Fibonacci sequence that spirals and spirals down? Those old worn stones might cause her to trip over and chip a tooth, the fragment cleaving off in a perfect right triangle. She runs faster and faster, her hair trailing behind her, her footsteps echoing off the walls. These old Oxford colleges like Magdalen are more trouble than they are worth, though they are prestigious and date back from the 13th? 14th? 15th? Century, full of lore and history and funded by the coffers of kings and dukes and marquises, for they are damp and chilly and dark, unwelcome places to call one’s abode.

Read the rest of this story here: https://thewritelaunch.com/2020/05/the-mathematicians-daughter/