Thanks to all who have participated, donated, and volunteered to make this an eventful year.

Upcoming Events

Mark the Date: September 5th Levis Reading!

Join us as we celebrate the winners of the Larry Levis Stipend 2023 – Roseanne Perriera and Mallory Rodenberg. The reading takes place September 5th 2024 at 8 pm EST. Zoom registration required. Register here. 


The Levis award provides $5,000 stipends for first books in poetry and fiction to the alumni of the MFA Program for Writers at WWC and submissions open on September 15th 2024. Read submission guidelines here. Please contact Nuha Fariha with any questions [email protected].  


Mark the Date: October 26th Fall Fete 

FOW is holding an in-person reading and fundraiser with co-hosted Bull City Press’s House Party Reading Series. The evening will feature readings by alumni and faculty from the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College including Sarah Audsley, Rita Banerjee, Megan Pinto, Carter Sickles, and Connie Voisine. Register today!


Highlights From the Year:

New Mission, Same Values

This year, FOW had its first ever Board retreat during which we updated our mission statement and clarified our values. This step is a vital step in continuing to grow and evolve as an organization. You can read our updated mission and values statement on our website. 


Scholarship and Fundraising 

This year, we awarded over $134,080 to provide scholarships and support for students and alumni of the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College. We are also thankful to Aidan O’Brien and Rebecca Griswold who led a successful Class Drive for the Class of 2024, leading to 100% participation. You can read more about FOW’s many scholarships here. 


July 2024 Graduation Ceremony – MFA Program

On July 12, six poets and seven fiction writers were awarded the degree of Master of Fine Arts from the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College. Brief remarks were offered by WWC president Damián J. Fernández, Provost Jay Roberts, and MFA director Rita Banerjee. The faculty speaker was Christine Kitano. You can access Christine Kitano’s speech here and view the graduation ceremony here.



Alumni Conference

A small, wonderful conference was held in Walla Walla, Washington at Whitman College. Twenty alumni registered to share writing, engage in workshops, and lead classes. The readings were, as usual, spectacular, and, in part because of the tiny but mighty group size, two brand new kinds of reading evenings were possible: the flash reading experience, where everyone in attendance was invited to read 500 words, and the Reading In Memoriam to honor Wallies who had recently passed. Both of these experiences provided powerful opportunities for alumni to share more deeply and more often than is usually possible. As always, FOW offers scholarships to attend the conference. We are grateful to Michael Jarmer for organizing the conference, with helpful advice from Ashley Nissler and David Ruekberg. Thanks to David Ruekberg for coordinating the online sessions. Thanks to Dawn Abeita for organizing and leading the auction, which raised funds for FOW scholarships. Learn more about the alumni conferences and scholarship opportunities here


FOW Forum Summer Digest

Thanks to the tireless work of FOW Blogger Aidan O’Brien, the Community News Digest now comes out twice a year. Please read the New Books and Awards, Print Magazine Publications and More and celebrate all the wonderful accomplishments of our community!


FOW Monthly Donations

If you can, FOW strongly encourages monthly donations. Our monthly donors give between $10-100 a month. Giving a monthly gift may be easier on the donor’s wallet and assists FOW in long term financial planning. If you are interested in making a monthly gift, please contact Nuha [email protected] for more information. 


Have FOW history or news to share? 


Email Nuha at [email protected]. We welcome any news past, present and future to celebrate with the FOW community!


All best, 


Abigail Wender

President, Friends of Writers


P.S. If you recently changed your contact information, please send it to Nuha ([email protected]). 

The MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College is delighted to announce its faculty

for the January-May 2023 semester:

Dean Bakopoulos

Marianne Boruch

Liam Callanan

Gabrielle Calvocoressi

Daisy Fried

Jennifer Grotz

David Haynes

Caitlin Horrocks

C.J. Hribal

A. Van Jordan

Sally Keith

Ana Menéndez

Antonya Nelson

Matthew Olzmann

Michael Parker

Hanna Pylväinen

Carter Sickels

Marisa Silver

Brian Teare

Daniel Tobin

Connie Voisine

Hello, everyone! The Friends of Writers are thrilled to announce that the Levis Prize for Fiction and Poetry submission period opens today and will be open until Nov. 1. For information regarding the most recent submission guidelines as well as links to the submission manager, please visit the Levis Prize website here:
Looking forward to receiving your work, and best of luck to each of you!
Many thanks, all,
Nathan McClain
Assistant Professor of Creative Writing/African American Literary Arts, Hampshire College
Poetry Editor, The Massachusetts Review
Author of Previously Owned (Four Way Books, 2022); Scale (Four Way Books, 2017)

July Graduates of WWC MFA Program









On behalf of the Board, I want to thank everyone who donated and volunteered, and made this a dynamic and eventful year of change for Friends of Writers. Here are a few highlights: 

Recap of Scholarship and Fundraising 

FOW awarded over $107,850 to 60 students and alumni in grants and scholarships, including 15 Grants for Change totalling $10,500. We had 100% participation from the MFA Program for Writers at Warren Wilson College class of 2022. We have raised $58,000 for Grants for Change and are 19% of the way toward our goal of raising the $300,000 that we will need to endow the fund. We are immensely grateful for your enthusiasm and generosity. 

July Graduation Ceremony 

This summer, the MFA Program for Writers held the first in-person Graduation Ceremony at WWC since the pandemic. Keynote speaker, Peter Turchi, delivered a moving speech to the graduates and their families, focusing on the individual nature of the writing journey, and the kinds of support that makes writing possible. You can read Pete’s speech here.

Alumni Conference

Over 70 alumni registered to share writing, workshops, panels, and the annual auction at the third virtual Wally Conference. We are grateful to new alumni, particularly Liza Duncan (Poetry ‘22) who dove right in and led a class and Sebastian Merrill (Poetry ‘21) who stepped up to help one participant with technical problems. Together, the conference raised over $4,000 through the annual auction and raffle. Thank you to all who attended!

A Piece of FOW History   

Larry Levis once wrote “…writing is the act of discovering something in the process of writing, and that fresh ‘something’ becomes the being of the poem, its identity which is somehow final and independent, when complete, of the poet.” 

The Larry Levis Post-Graduate Stipend opens for submissions September 15th through November 1st 2022. Two stipends, one in fiction and one in poetry, support alumni who are completing first books. For any questions, please contact Nathan McClain at [email protected]. We will be hosting a Levis Reading on November 10th, so mark your calendars!

Upcoming Event October 13th!

Join us for a reading and conversation with our board member Natalie Baszile on October 13th 2022 at 7 pm EDT via Zoom. Natalie’s new non-fiction book, We Are Each Other’s Harvest: Celebrating African American Farmers, Land & Legacy, brings together essays, poems, conversations, portraits, and first-person narratives to tell the story of Black people’s connection to the land from Emancipation to the present. Her previous novel, Queen Sugar, was named one of the San Francisco Chronicles’ Best Books of 2014, was long-listed for the Crooks Corner Southern Book Prize, and nominated for an NAACP Image Award. It is currently being adapted for a seventh television season by writer/director Ava DuVernay, and co-produced by Oprah Winfrey. Click here to register for Natalie’s reading! 


Please welcome our new staff member – Nuha Fariha. As FOW’s Administrative Manager, she is overseeing donor engagement, communication and more. Nuha is a second year MFA student at Louisiana State University. In addition, she serves as Development Assistant at Laal NYC, a nonprofit providing resources for Bengali women in the Bronx. She has worked in the nonprofit industry for over four years and currently lives in Baton Rouge with her partner and one year old son. You can contact her at [email protected].

We also want to thank the incredible Jessica Lane for her continued support. Jessica has worked for Friends of Writers since 2015. Prior to that, she worked as a Project Manager for the MFA Program for three years. In her position with FOW, she works primarily with constituent and donation management and reporting. During the day, she serves as the Director of Education + Public Programs for the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle, WA. She has worked in the museum and nonprofit world for over 20 years and currently lives in Everett, WA with her husband, Ross, and their dog, Addie.

Have FOW history or news to share? 

Email Nuha at [email protected]. We welcome any news past, present and future to celebrate with the FOW community!

All best, 


President, Friends of Writers

P.S. If you recently changed your contact information, please send it to Nuha ([email protected]).